Tuesday, July 31, 2007

packing sucks!

Packing really does suck. I've been doing a good bit of it during my non-working waking hours. It is aggravating and exhausting, and at times emotionally draining. Finding things from your past that bring up now painful memories.... Yeah, not so fun. But I figured better to do it now, while my family is still nearby and can help me through the tough emotional cleansing (not that they do). If I waited until I got to my new place and started unpacking... let's just say that balcony would look awfully good. (Kidding, really.)

But! The upside to packing is that sometimes you come across exciting stuff. Like this bracelet I forgot I had. Hey look - it's stars.

And another one for you. This morning I received the final proof of my new business cards! I know you're super excited to see what they look like.... so here you go!

You know what I love? That the Cs in the Nashville City Club logo look like Chanel Cs. Yeah. They really do.

Peace out kids!

Friday, July 27, 2007

sprinkles - again!

Hit up Sprinkles again today.... So here's a before photo.

And of course, an after... for now... :)

Aren't you just insanely jealous? I know you are.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i'm in love

Okay, so I didn't take this picture... but I just had to post it because I am totally 110% butt-crazy in love with this bag. I will never ever have enough money to buy it, but I can gaze at it lovingly for all eternity...

It would be pretty cool if I *could* buy it someday...... ;) Damn you, Chanel. Damn you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

the stupid

I had my company's tennis committee in town yesterday and today for an annual brainstorming and best practices sharing meeting. I get the sublime pleasure of not only planning these meetings, but also sitting in on them to take notes and keep track of action items and what-not.

Let me just show you how productive these people are. These are my "notes"........

That hand-drawn calendar is my mental moving plan. On there I've also got some notes on my personal budget and some random ideas for my new job. Oh yeah, and there are many many stars and flowers and ribbons and stuff on the side. Total productivity.

Have I told you lately that I LOVE MY JOB?! All I can say is thank GOD I'm getting a new one in a few short weeks.


Okay, backtracking a bit..... Last week I was in Houston for a big Private Events meeting, which was held in conjunction with the NACE Conference (National Association of Catering Executives). The event itself wasn't entirely exciting, but I did take a few amusing shots along the way.

This first one is from my drive down from Dallas to Houston. I just happened to look down just as I passed over the 15,000 mile mark. Thought it deserved archving. And yes, I was only going 75. I slowed down to take the shot. Safety first!! :)

Then on my way BACK on Wednesday afternoon, I realized that this would probably be the last time I'd really have a good glance at all the various Dallas sites.... so I again pulled out the camera and took some photos while driving. I am so safe.

We've got the House of Blues, Texas Stadium, the American Airlines Center, and a daytime shot of the super cool Dallas skyline.

Dallas is fun, and I think I'll miss it.... but I'm certainly not married to it. I'm grateful for the fresh start. My time here has been tainted by my previous relationship and how it failed right before my very eyes, without my ever realizing that it was dying. Time to start over and make life better! Love you kids. :)


Back from nearly 2 weeks of gallavanting around. I owe you a whole mess of pictures, I know.
Let's start with this past weekend... my apartment searching trip to Nashville with Trish. We made it out to a bar called the Beer Sellar (yes, an intentional typo there) on Friday night. It was a blast.... even though I wasn't drinking a whole lot. Don't be deceived by the second picture - I really was sober! ;)

Here's me and Erin... my future coworker at the Nashville City Club. We're going to have so much fun!!!!
And here's the entrance to the place I finally landed on on Saturday afternoon. Put down a deposit and everything. Woohoooo!!!! Yay!
Nashville is a great town from what I can gather. I am really really excited to get there for good!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

friday the 13th

So here we are. Friday the 13th! And three new photos for your eyes to feast upon! Lucky you!

When we went to PB for lunch the other day (PB = Potbelly, for you unfortunate souls who have never experienced the heavenly sandwiches), Christina and I noticed an eBay store two doors down!!! Unbelieveable. Andy Stitzer would be so excited.

Last night I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Now, many of you know that I am extremely vocal about Book 5 being my LEAST favorite of all the HP books. Well they did something right with the movie, because it was amaaaazing. I absolutely loved it. It was so so so good. Emotionally draining. Exciting. Just so greatly wonderfully good. Go see it. Now. (Yes, this photo is a screen shot of my current desktop on my work computer. Shut up. You wish you were as cool as me.)

I just ate a Mounds bar. Doesn't it look like a turd? I don't even know if that's how you spell it. But it looks like poop. For real.

Heading to Houston this weekend for a meeting, and won't be back until Wednesday. I'll do my best to get some photos during my time there.......... but you know I won't promise anything. Enjoy, kids!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

here we go!

By my calculation, I owe you six photos. I think I can handle that, though they won't be in any particular order by day....

1) My present from Christina... she brought it back to me from Vegas! If you look closely, the package of the Hooters chapstick says "I don't kiss and tell, because I don't remember." Awesome. The thing on the left.... that's a nail file.

2) Yeah, the rain in Texas has been insane. You can't tell in the picture, but one morning after a massive downpour I went out and took a picture of the rain gague. It was at 3". After less than an hour.

3) More DG stuff at Target! Navy flip flops with white anchors. I didn't buy these. :)

4) While waiting in line for the car wash one afternoon, I had a true Texas moment (gotta savor these now while they last). Again, you can't see it in the picture. But way in the distance at the gas pump, yeah that guy has on a ten-gallon cowboy hat.

5) Another Target find. On clearance for $5... I almost bought it for Trish. Maybe on my next trip.

6) So ever since she moved, we've been telling Amanda that the guy who comes to collect the confidential materials for shredding looks just like her husband. Today Christina snagged my always-handy camera and asked him if she could take a photo of him (backstory included, of course... he told her he gets that all the time!). Ha ha ha!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Okay! Posting a big bunch today to catch you up for the past few days!

I spent Monday evening in my papasan reading one of the books in which I'm currently engulfed. I'm reading a fictional story about Helen of Troy... it is faaaaantastic. The other is a book that I keep close by for when I have a moment of weakness. I've read it once already, and have highlighted some particularly relavent passages for quick fixes. Sad, I know, since it's been over a year and a half... but I'm still struggling, kids. Big time.

Tuesday Jackie and I went to Whole Foods for lunch, and I just had to take a picture of these fancy chicken breasts. Check out the branding! Stars and Texas! Yay!

Yesterday I ventured out to this wholesale/discount furniture store, and bought myself a new sofa. I'll be moving soon, and I wanted something nice to motivate me a little bit to get rolling on the whole packing and cleaning bit. We'll see if it works. I loooooove this... and it is the perfect color (beige-y purple-y pink-y) to hide both a little dirt and a lot of white dog hair. :)

Annnnd this morning. The one good thing about this awful horrible terrible stormy weather we've had lately is the amazing sunrises and cloud formations we get. How pretty is this?!

So yay! Now I'm all caught up. See ya tomorrrrrrow! :)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

my poor girl

Stella is still not completely back to normal after my trip away last weekend. She hasn't eaten a real meal since Monday, and she's been pretty mopey. Which, if you know anything at all about her, is highly irregular. I took her to the vet on Thursday, and she had a bit of a fever, but the doc said that he thought she was okay. Hmph.

So yesterday I was getting ready to head to the gym to teach my classes, and when I searched for her to lock her up before I left I found her in a rather unusual place.
Apparently she likes the soft material on the treadmill. Well, that or she's trying to tell me that she's dying for more exercise. It was just too precious to not take a picture of it. My poor girl, just not herself these days. :(

I did end up taking her for a walk in the afternoon. :)