Sunday, November 4, 2007

new tattoos

Here you go!!

Slowly but surely I am becoming more and more like those freaks with stars everywhere...!!

And yes, I know I have big ribs. Shut up.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Yeah. Totally forgot to mention the new tattoos....

Thursday, November 1, 2007


So. I'm back. And I've brought photos.

I realized I had a bunch of pictures from my LV hotel room at the Venetian that I never showed you. This room was amazing. It was bigger than my apartment. So sad. :) But here is a virtual tour for you!!!

Just a few short weeks after my last post, Christina came into town for a visit! It was a great excuse for me to finish unpacking the last few boxes I had lingering in the apartment. Thanks for the incentive - and the visit!!! :)

After picking C up at the airport on Friday night, we drove around town a bit (what little bit of town I knew at that point), and ended up at Rumba for some yummy tapas and fantastic rum drink that were served in pint glasses - yay!

Erin met us out a bit later, and the three of us enjoyed some gossip, laughs, and several more rum drinks!

After a relaxing day of exploring, shopping, and lunch with Christina's friend Ashley, we assembled a large (and rather intimidating) group of girls for a big night out in Nashville. First stop: Broadway Brewhouse for some beer and some milkshake-y type thing that I can't remember what it was called. Then it was off to RuSans for some sushi!

After that we stopped by the club for a world-famous Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Martini, and to get the boys in the kitchen to meet us out later. Then we hopped over to Demonbreun and graced Dan McGuinness with our presence (and dancing)!! Erin met us out again, and I was glad to have another non-dancer to hang back and make fun of people with! Love you, E!

The night got much more interesting after that, but I'm going to just keep that to myself. :D In fact, I have some photo evidence... but in the interest of protecting the (not so) innocent, I'm just going to leave them be. :)

The following week was the Nashville City Club's 50th Anniversary Gala. My first big event... and I only had a few short weeks in which to plan it! So needless to say I had a stressful workweek after Christina's visit. But the gala was beautiful, and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time! (I say "seemed" because after the aforementioned stress week, I *may* have partaken of one too many glasses of champagne with my special white chocolate-covered strawberries...) But you'd never know it... from the photos OR my lack of hangover the next day! Yay me!

Switching gears... a random photo from 2 weeks ago after I went shopping to restock my fridge with the essentials. Can you tell what the essentials are? ;) And yes, I am rather OCD... is it that obvious?! ;)

Mandatory Stella photo! Doing what she does best these days! Damn me for working 12 hour days and leaving my poor girl to rot all alone in the apartment.... she has such a rough life.

Annnnnnd finally. The Totally 80s Halloween Party. What fun!

My 1983 Prom Queen outfit was exceedingly itchy and the shoes were about 2 1/2 sizes too big, so as soon as the crowd thinned out a bit, it was back into the wifebeater and jeans!

And for those keeping score, I was only 4 in 1983.

Well there you have it, folks! Another massive, yet doesn't-do-it-justice update on my life these days! I've opted to leave out all the scandal... sorry. No juicy gossip for you today! :)

Love you all. Talk to you the next time I come up for air!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So. I realize I owe you many *many* more pictures than you're going to receive here tonight.... but you're just going to have to make do with what you get. I have been crazy busy over the last month, what with the whole moving across the country thing and starting a new job and all. So deal with it, kids.

You know you love me.

These pictures were all taken and/or downloaded with the new phone, which I am LOVING, by the way. In case you care. :)

So we must transport back in time... back to the weekend before my last half week of work in Dallas. Christina treated me to some fun and drinking at two of my/our favorite local dive establishments... First Sneaky Pete's, where we (and by "we", I mean "she") stole approximately 25 plastic cups from behind the bar - for my new apartment. Yeah baby. Then it was on to the good ol' Flying Pig. Man, I'm gonna miss that place. Here is what we looked like after several (and by "several", I mean "SEVERAL") beers. Thanks for the not-so-steady picture-taking, CW...

A few short days later, I was done with work, and ready to tackle a few necessary last-minute tasks before skipping town: hair cut/color and car service. Here's me taking a picture of my new "blonde again" hair in the bathroom at the Chevy dealer. Don't ask about the seductive face... I'm basically just a spaz.

And finally the day came to hit the road. I had my mom take a picture of good ol' ClubCorp as we passed by... it is, after all, what got me here. *sniff* ;)

After a few days of us (and by "us", I mean "my mom") unpacking , shopping, and drinking wine, it was time to take Mom to the airport. It was a little sad, but being that I'm 28 and had been living at home now for 3 years, it was time to say goodbye. ;)

Feeling a little lonely that afternoon, and because I'm crazy in love with this man:

I hit the movies to see Becoming Jane. Again.

(Yes, that *is* an actual picture taken in the movie theater. You know I am that big of a dork.)

Then........................ it was off to VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I apologize for the poor picture quality. I took that after having several (and by "several", I mean "more than should be physically capable for a girl of my size") of these:

That, children, is the greatest thing to ever touch my lips. (Sorry Dolan, you've been demoted.) It is a Cucumber Passion Fruit Martini, and I made Sean go back to the Japonais Lounge at the Mirage EVERY NIGHT we were in Vegas because I was SO IN LOVE with this damn drink. The word "addicted" comes to mind.

What is the BEST thing to do the morning after drinking too much in Las Vegas? If you guessed the Buffet at the Bellagio, you'd be *almost* right. The correct answer, of course, is: sit by the pool and read/text/peoplewatch!!!!!!!!

The pool at the Venetian is pretty crazy crowded. This day we were lucky to get seats together! And damnit if that LV sun is strong. Wooooooooo!!!! Feels like I need a fruity rum cocktail..... ;)

And of course we were i town the same week/end as the MTV VMAs. Kanye West was hosting a huge party at Tao Beach at the Venetian on Saturday night. When did we leave the Vegas? Saturday morning. Blast! I guess my rendezvous with Justin will have to wait a little longer...... (and by "rendezvous", I mean.......)

So......... Got back "home" to Nashville and was sick as a dog. What a great way to start my new job! The first week (and by "week", I mean "two weeks") were overwhelming and frustrating and anxiety-inducing and exhausting and fun. I think this job and I will get along great. Once I get into a groove, of course. :)

I had to wait until my first weekend actually at home in my new apartment to get my cable hooked up... and good thing I did, because that Sunday CLINT BOWYER won the NASCAR race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooohooooooo!! Yay Clint baby!!! :)

My SECOND weekend here (which was this past weekend, for those of you keeping score at home), I worked on my homemade present for Jackie, who will be giving birth in a few short weeks (yay!). I actually have a picture of my progress on said present, but I can't post it. She may know what it is, but I don't want her to SEE IT YET!!!!! (Love you JC!) Anyway. I was using rubberbands for this project, and it seems I overstretched the limits of one. It snapped in half. Right on my neck. Look closely. Can you see the sick welt?!?!!

I still have a red burn/scar thing right there on my neck/collarbone area. The things I do for my friends...... ;)

Aaaaaand lastly. You didn't think you were going to escape this long-anticipated entry without a single word or photo of Princess Stella, did you?! Here she is, all settled in and comfy on my (and by "my", I mean "her") bed in her new home.

She's looking at me as if to say "Get off the damn computer already... it's past your bedtime!" It sure is, kids. I gots to get me to bed. Another 12-hour workday for me tomorrow!!!

Love you all. Kisses!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

someday soon

I am in Nashville at last! And I promise once I get more settled I'll post some update pictures. I have been to Vegas and back (phew!), but managed to get through there with only taking a small handful of pictures. Oops. Sorry kids.

More to follow.....

Monday, August 27, 2007


I suck. I know. I have been crazy with packing etc, so I haven't taken many pictures. I'll get back into it soon, I promise. After all, I'm going to Vegas in just over a week.... should have lots of fun stuff to post after that!

For now, I'll leave you with some eye candy. I am in love with this man. He's James McAvoy. He's Scottish and beautiful. IMDB him... you already know who he is, you just may not realize it.

Mmmmmm. Love him. A lot.

Monday, August 13, 2007


This weekend was fairly eventful!

Saturday I got up and hit the gym before 7 am. Yes, I am insane. But it was because we (me, Jackie, Christina, and Christina's daughter Audrey) had plans to hit a 10 am movie! We went to see Becoming Jane. Kids, this movie was great! It made my heart hurt a little bit, but that was the point! So good.

Afterwards we headed to Baja for some exxxxcellent Mexican food. A little heavy for a 100+ degree Texas day, but still amazing. Plus, the Corona helped wash it down quite nicely.

I had to rush home after lunch because my mom was getting antsy about getting down to Addison to get our tattoos! She got a celtic cross on her hip... it's really nice. The guy who did her tattoo reminded both of us of Brad a whole lot... so that was kind of creepy. But I did okay with it, and didn't get all weepy or anything. Yay moving on! As for me, I ended up going with the tattoo on the back. I apologize for the quality and angle of the photo (hello fatty), but here it is...

The reason the quality and angle are a little goofy..... I bought my new cell phone on Saturday night! It's the Sprint Mogul. It is super cool. Still playing around on it, but so far it is everything I wanted. And the best part.... the full keyboard. For someone who texts as much as I do, it's amazing to not have to deal with T9 crap. Aaaaand... it keeps me from texting while driving. Safety, yahoo!

If you look closely, you can see that my "next appointment" is the season premiere of The Hills tonight! Helloooooo, first things first!!!!!

And yes, that is Stella on the background. :)

Monday, August 6, 2007

happy monday

Lots and lots of funness to show you today! Yippeeeeeee.

Myke was in town this week for training for his new job, so we made a point of going out for some fun on Saturday night. I took him to my favorite and yours... the Idle Rich Pub. Love that place. At one point, he tapped some chick on the shoulder and asked her to take our picture. He then went on to tell her that we'd just gotten engaged. Myke, you're a freak. ;)

Had to take a shot of my coozie, since I am that cool to carry one with me in my purse at all times. Actually, make that two. Myke has the other one on his beer in the background.

The coasters on the table were cool. I liked that one was a Sam Adams one... because it's from Boston. And we all know how I feel about Boston.

So I hit up Target last night for the first time in awhile. They moved the $1 section to the other side of the store! I almost bought this.

My mom said that she wants to go get new tattoos this weekend, and that she'd pay for mine! Yahooooooo! I need votes on where I should get the new star.... here are your choices:
A) Top of forearm (right arm)
B) Underside of forearm, near the bend at the elbow (right arm)
C) Top of foot, near the baby toe (right foot)
D) Middle of the back, to the left of the spine
E) Middle of the back, to the right of the spine

I'm serious... I want opinions.

Friday, August 3, 2007


Today I'm obsessed with the thought of getting another tattoo. I've spent the last - ohhhh - hour looking at pictures of star tattoos on the good ol' internet.

I'm thinking of possibly getting another one on my wrist, only this time on the right side, and more on the underside.

Then I also like the idea of getting one (or maybe three teeny tiny ones) on the top side of my right forearm. This one I believe is on the side/underside... and they are way too big and colorful. But it's an idea.
I've also toyed with the idea of getting a star on one of my toes... but I also like this one on the top of the foot...
So what do you think?! Tee hee... if I'm not careful, I could end up like these freaks.
Stars everywhere!!!!!! Even *I'm* not that crazy.... or am I?!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

packing sucks!

Packing really does suck. I've been doing a good bit of it during my non-working waking hours. It is aggravating and exhausting, and at times emotionally draining. Finding things from your past that bring up now painful memories.... Yeah, not so fun. But I figured better to do it now, while my family is still nearby and can help me through the tough emotional cleansing (not that they do). If I waited until I got to my new place and started unpacking... let's just say that balcony would look awfully good. (Kidding, really.)

But! The upside to packing is that sometimes you come across exciting stuff. Like this bracelet I forgot I had. Hey look - it's stars.

And another one for you. This morning I received the final proof of my new business cards! I know you're super excited to see what they look like.... so here you go!

You know what I love? That the Cs in the Nashville City Club logo look like Chanel Cs. Yeah. They really do.

Peace out kids!

Friday, July 27, 2007

sprinkles - again!

Hit up Sprinkles again today.... So here's a before photo.

And of course, an after... for now... :)

Aren't you just insanely jealous? I know you are.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i'm in love

Okay, so I didn't take this picture... but I just had to post it because I am totally 110% butt-crazy in love with this bag. I will never ever have enough money to buy it, but I can gaze at it lovingly for all eternity...

It would be pretty cool if I *could* buy it someday...... ;) Damn you, Chanel. Damn you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

the stupid

I had my company's tennis committee in town yesterday and today for an annual brainstorming and best practices sharing meeting. I get the sublime pleasure of not only planning these meetings, but also sitting in on them to take notes and keep track of action items and what-not.

Let me just show you how productive these people are. These are my "notes"........

That hand-drawn calendar is my mental moving plan. On there I've also got some notes on my personal budget and some random ideas for my new job. Oh yeah, and there are many many stars and flowers and ribbons and stuff on the side. Total productivity.

Have I told you lately that I LOVE MY JOB?! All I can say is thank GOD I'm getting a new one in a few short weeks.


Okay, backtracking a bit..... Last week I was in Houston for a big Private Events meeting, which was held in conjunction with the NACE Conference (National Association of Catering Executives). The event itself wasn't entirely exciting, but I did take a few amusing shots along the way.

This first one is from my drive down from Dallas to Houston. I just happened to look down just as I passed over the 15,000 mile mark. Thought it deserved archving. And yes, I was only going 75. I slowed down to take the shot. Safety first!! :)

Then on my way BACK on Wednesday afternoon, I realized that this would probably be the last time I'd really have a good glance at all the various Dallas sites.... so I again pulled out the camera and took some photos while driving. I am so safe.

We've got the House of Blues, Texas Stadium, the American Airlines Center, and a daytime shot of the super cool Dallas skyline.

Dallas is fun, and I think I'll miss it.... but I'm certainly not married to it. I'm grateful for the fresh start. My time here has been tainted by my previous relationship and how it failed right before my very eyes, without my ever realizing that it was dying. Time to start over and make life better! Love you kids. :)