Sunday, July 1, 2007

my poor girl

Stella is still not completely back to normal after my trip away last weekend. She hasn't eaten a real meal since Monday, and she's been pretty mopey. Which, if you know anything at all about her, is highly irregular. I took her to the vet on Thursday, and she had a bit of a fever, but the doc said that he thought she was okay. Hmph.

So yesterday I was getting ready to head to the gym to teach my classes, and when I searched for her to lock her up before I left I found her in a rather unusual place.
Apparently she likes the soft material on the treadmill. Well, that or she's trying to tell me that she's dying for more exercise. It was just too precious to not take a picture of it. My poor girl, just not herself these days. :(

I did end up taking her for a walk in the afternoon. :)

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