By my calculation, I owe you six photos. I think I can handle that, though they won't be in any particular order by day....
1) My present from Christina... she brought it back to me from Vegas! If you look closely, the package of the Hooters chapstick says "I don't kiss and tell, because I don't remember." Awesome. The thing on the left.... that's a nail file.
2) Yeah, the rain in Texas has been insane. You can't tell in the picture, but one morning after a massive downpour I went out and took a picture of the rain gague. It was at 3". After less than an hour.
3) More DG stuff at Target! Navy flip flops with white anchors. I didn't buy these. :)
4) While waiting in line for the car wash one afternoon, I had a true Texas moment (gotta savor these now while they last). Again, you can't see it in the picture. But way in the distance at the gas pump, yeah that guy has on a ten-gallon cowboy hat.
5) Another Target find. On clearance for $5... I almost bought it for Trish. Maybe on my next trip.
6) So ever since she moved, we've been telling Amanda that the guy who comes to collect the confidential materials for shredding looks just like her husband. Today Christina snagged my always-handy camera and asked him if she could take a photo of him (backstory included, of course... he told her he gets that all the time!). Ha ha ha!!
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